Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I discovered Steve Spangler's website right around the time my son would not longer accept "It’s magic!”  for an explanation of why things happen.    His site has cool experiements with videos, links to his blogs, and has kits and experiments you can buy (of course!).    You can sign up to receive an email for experiment of the week.    He does an amazing job of making science cool and fun!


  1. Sarah, this seems like a great website! I love how they have so many videos of fun and exciting experiments that will definetly engage the students interests! Maybe after watching one of these experiments with your class, you then could proceed to conduct the experiment with your class! There is a lot of great information and fun facts on the site. Definetly a great online resource to know about when teaching! Thank you for sharing! =)

  2. Hi Sarah!

    That scientist was awesome!! And it's so great that you were able to make the connection to the Oobleck that we worked with in class! I'm definitely going to use him as a resource for science in my classroom. :)

  3. Hi Sarah,

    I really like the video you posted! Steve Spangler makes the experiments really fun to watch and could raise a lot of interest for students, or, like you said, provide some great scientific answers for why things are the way they are.

    I liked seeing the tub of "oobleck" too. It was a great connection to what we did in class!

  4. Cool! I've seen him at science conferences. Thanks for sharing!
