Saturday, October 22, 2011

And We're Off!

Arlette's and my unit on Rocks and Minerals got off to a great start.  It started a little shaky with the Internet not working, the projector being down and the kids coming in a little bonkers from recess; but with a quick regroup on mine and Arlette's part and the announcement that science was about to being we and the class hit the ground running!    The kids were interested in our lesson, they actively participated, and they seemed to really be excited by the fact that 'new teachers' were here to teach them.   They seem to be a great group and I hope the rest of our lessons go as smoothly as this one. 

The safety talk was very well received!  We asked the kids to volunteer the safety rules and they managed to list everyone that Arlette and I planned on discussing except for the wafting.   The demonstration of wafting caused a little giggle but I kind of remember it doing so in our Graduate class as well.   Not sure what that says about us.  :)    We monitored for safety throughout the lesson and most of the kids adhered to all the safety rules.  There was some instances of "skin scratch" testing that wasn't part of our lesson plan that Arlette had to deal with but for the most part the kids were great.  To be honest,  I had foreseen lots of rock tossing, but there was none!

Arlette and I make a good team and we are working with a nice group of kids.  I think this is going to be a great Unit. 

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